
Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales: draft annual report 2025 to 2026

We welcome feedback on this draft Report and have included some additional questions where we would appreciate your views. The consultation period will end on the 29 November 2024.

You are also welcome to submit comments in writing to the address below.

To request a printed versions of the Report please email us or write to:

Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales
Third Floor East
Crown Buildings
Cathays Park
CF10 3NQ


Uplift of remuneration using the Welsh Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) 

Q1:  The Panel is fully aware of the current constraints on public funding and the impact its decisions will have on the budgets of Principal Authorities. The Panel is also mindful of our Aims and Objectives to provide a fair and reasonable remuneration package to support elected members and to encourage diversity of representation.

We therefore propose using the ASHE for all Wales to increase their remuneration in line with the average earnings of their constituents. 


Do you think that the Panel has struck the right balance between affordability and adequate remuneration for representatives? If not, do you have other suggestions?


 Impact of current determinations

Q2: Following evidence received from Heads of Democratic Services of Principal Councils, on local flexibility for payments to co opted members, serving on committees of Principal Councils, National Park Authorities and Fire and Rescue Authorities. This Panel consulted on this proposal and responses (from the consultation on the 2024 to 2025 draft annual report) supported the Panel’s determinations and so no changes were made in the final Determinations, resulting in the Panel allowing relevant officers to decide if it would be appropriate to apply a day or half day rate or to use an hourly rate where it is sensible to aggregate a few short meetings.

The Panel would now like to know if this determination has been adopted by your relevant authority:


Q3:  Last year, in conjunction with One Voice Wales, the Panel held a seminar on the treatment of tax on members Community and Town Councils (CTC) allowances.  This was followed up with guidance on how to apply the exemption to the working from home allowance (£156).

The Panel is interested to learn if the seminar and or guidance has increased the number of CTC members receiving the allowance.


Q4: All allowances paid to elected members of Community and Town Councils should be recorded on the Annual Statement of Payments for Community and Town Councils (noting Statements already submitted by Community and Town Councils will be accepted would be accepted).  This includes NIL returns.

Earlier this year, a revised Statement template and advice note were issued to  Community and Town Councils.  The Panel are interested if the Template has again increased the number of councillors claiming allowances?