
Consultation on diversity and inclusion guidance for registered political parties


You must submit your response for it to be considered.

Part 1: Guidance for political parties about developing, publishing, implementing and regularly reviewing diversity and inclusion strategies for local and national Welsh elections

Question 1: The Welsh Government must specify the characteristics and circumstances for the purpose of Parts 1 and 2 of the guidance. What are your views on the specified characteristics and circumstances? For ease, they are listed here:

  • Age*
  • Disability*
  • Race*
  • Religion or belief*
  • Sex*
  • Sexual orientation*
  • Trans status or history (including gender reassignment*)
  • Socio-economic background
  • Health conditions
  • Previous political experience
  • Caring responsibilities
  • Parental responsibility
  • Language

* Protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act 2010


Question 2: Please indicate your level of agreement with the suggested actions for political parties to take to increase diversity and inclusion in Welsh elections?


Question 3: Are there other things which you think political parties need to consider in developing, publishing, implementing and reviewing diversity and inclusion strategies for Welsh elections? If so, what?


Part 2: Guidance for political parties standing candidates at Senedd elections on collecting, collating and publishing diversity information relating to candidates and elected Members

Question 4: What are your views on the candidate survey questions in Part 2?


Question 5: Do you think the guidance will help political parties to collect, collate and publish diversity information on Senedd candidates?


5a: Please explain why you think this guidance will / will not help political parties to collect, collate and publish diversity information on Senedd candidates.


Part 3: Guidance for political parties standing candidates at Senedd elections on voluntary quotas for women

Question 6: Do you think the guidance will support political parties to take appropriate steps to achieve better gender representation in the Senedd?


6a: Please explain why you think this guidance will / will not support political parties to take appropriate steps to achieve better gender representation in the Senedd.


Question 7: Are there other measures you think political parties could take to achieve a gender balanced Senedd? If so, what?


Welsh language

Question 8: What, in your opinion, would be the likely effects of the guidance on the Welsh language? We are particularly interested in any likely effects on opportunities to use the Welsh language and on not treating the Welsh language less favourably than English.

  • Do you think that there are opportunities to promote any positive effects?
  • Do you think that there are opportunities to mitigate any adverse effects?


Question 9: In your opinion, could the guidance be formulated or changed so as to:

  • have positive effects or more positive effects on using the Welsh language and on not treating the Welsh language less favourably than English, or
  • mitigate any negative effects on using the Welsh language and on not treating the Welsh language less favourably than English?


Final comments

Question 10: We have asked a number of questions in respect of the different parts of the guidance. Do you have any other thoughts you would like to share with us on the guidance?